Dr. Chen obtained her B.S. in chemistry from National Taiwan University (1992) and Ph.D. degree from Iowa State University (1997). After postdoctoral research work at the Ames Laboratory, Department of Energy, USA [1997] and National Tsing Hua University [1999], Dr. Chen joined the Institute of Chemistry of Academia Sinica and was promoted to research fellow (2010). Since 2013, she has been the Director for the Institute of Chemistry at Academia Sinica. She also currently holds con-current adjunct professorships at few universities.
Her research focuses on methodology development of mass spectrometry-based proteomics by integrating novel nanomaterial, advanced mass spectrometry and bioinformatics. In particular, she is interested in applying these tools to delineate the membrane proteome and post-translation modificome on cancer and stem cell biology. She has received domestic and international awards including Outstanding Young Investigator Award from Chinese Chemical Society (2006), Distinguished Young Chemists Award from Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (2007), Mr. Wu Ta-you Memorial Award from National Science Council (2008), and Research Award for Junior Research Investigators from Academia Sinica (2008), the first award for outstanding scholar of Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry (2011), outstanding young scholar, 13th Shu-Mu Foundation of Chemistry (2012), and the outstanding research award from National Science Council (2013). She has been the Executive Committee Member of Human Proteome Organization (HUPO), Council Member of “Asia Oceana Human Proteome Organization” and “International Mass Spectrometry Foundation”. She has been the President of the Taiwan Proteomics Society, President of Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry.
Dr. Chen served as president for the Human Proteome Organization (2021-2022), the Taiwan Proteomics Society, and the Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry (2012-2015). She has been a council member of the Asia Oceania Human Proteome Organization since 2019. She current serves as executive director of the Taiwan Proteomics Society (2021-2023), and the Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry. She served on editorial boards of European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Journal of Proteome Research, and Frontiers in Analytical Chemistry, and currently serves on the Executive Advisory Board of Proteomics.